About Me

(in about 549 words)


Hey there! I'm a 22-year-old software engineer from the UK, working at Legal & General working on transforming LGRIs developer experience and productivity.


On the side, I co-founded auralyze.ai - we're all about helping uni applicants nail their interviews. It's challenging but super rewarding.


At the same time, I'm hitting the books for a Systems Engineering MSc at Loughborough University. I've got my eyes on a management role down the line. Guess you could say I love a good challenge!


When I'm not coding or studying, you'll catch me travelling or getting lost in a good book. And, like any self-respecting Gen Z, I'm pretty much always online. Plus, I'm into photography - I love capturing the world around me.


So, yeah, that's me - a hardworking, determined tech enthusiast with a sprinkle of entrepreneurial spirit. Excited to see where this journey takes me!



My earliest memories always include a computer in the backdrop, an omnipresent fixture that piqued my curiosity and beckoned exploration. I don't remember exactly when it first appeared in my life - it was always there, like a silent companion waiting for me to discover its secrets.


My fascination with technology took a tangible turn one ordinary day while watching an episode of Yu-gi-oh. Seeing Seto Kaiba, the prodigal tech genius, commanding his empire in front of a massive computer screen, something clicked within me. I wanted to know how these magical devices worked, I yearned to command my own digital empire.


Fuelled by this newfound passion, I embarked on my digital journey at the tender age of 11 or 12, starting with Codecademy tutorials and delving into the world of web design. Blogging, creating websites, and learning the nuts and bolts of programming became my playground, a world where I could mold reality to my imagination.


High school proved a time of growth and further discovery. I was doing well in my physics class, and my teacher, recognizing the budding tech enthusiast in me, gifted me a Raspberry Pi. The small, unassuming device opened a universe of possibilities for me, a sandbox where I could tinker and experiment to my heart's content.


Around the same time, from 13 to 16, I became part of my school's engineering society. It wasn't just about learning different facets of engineering - it was a hands-on experience. From building the tallest and most stable tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows to discovering the myriad ways in which engineering shapes our world, every activity honed my problem-solving skills and nurtured my creative thinking.


These formative years were the stepping stones to my current career in technology. They were the years of exploration, learning, and nurturing a passion that continues to drive me today.


And remember, this is just the beginning - there are so many more stories waiting to be shared in person!

I like

  • Summer
  • My Keyboard
  • Autumm/winter Fashion
  • Driving in the rain at night
  • My Headphones
  • Podcasts and educational youtube videos
  • Photography
  • Design (of any sort from home decor to UI/UX)
  • Reading (Book list coming soon...)

I dream of

  • Continuing to learn and grow daily
  • Doing good in the world and helping others
  • Enjoying the journey and not just the destination
  • Travelling the world. I want to see it all!